Introduction of who I am

My name is Natalie Dunn, from Auckland, New Zealand. I am a blogger, photographer, and a current Instagrammer currently residing in Auckland, New Zealand (I was also born in New Zealand). I rant about things which cross my mind on twitter, and I am currently running a fashion, food and a drink blog on Tumblr. I like to drink tequila straight or mixed in with cocktails, and I like Bailey's Irish Cream amongst gin and rum. I am also a fashion aficionado as well as a wine and food connoisseur. I also am a seasoned traveler (having traveled across the globe at least twice). I am also into makeup, beauty and perfume. I also run a fashion and cocktail page on Facebook. I am currently studying at AUT in Auckland, New Zealand. 

What angers me the most is racism, sexism, bigotry, hate crimes, mass gun shootings, refugee/undocumented immigrant kids being separated from their parents and rape victims not being believed. Oh, and of course, people like Brock Turner. You know, the rapist who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster.  Oh, if there is anything I hate on Instagram, it's those "free IG follower" accounts that try to follow me (which I block of course).

Oh, and I do block people who are stupid and whose profiles contain hate symbols or offensive content so be careful if you fit in the category of either of those. In some cases I report people who follow me, such as spammer accounts on Instagram.
I also happen to be a feminist, and a political activist- as well as social justice.  

I am more than happy to answer any of your questions you might have. You can contact me at nat dunn six @ gmail dot com. Or you can send me an email via Instagram at @tigerlily_athena_saintprincess.  


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